Monday, 12 November 2007

Angelos Village Photos

As the winter is approaching, even in Crete, I think that some pictures of the hotel will remind us the good times we had there the last summer and will help us to make plans for next summer.
A big thank you to all our guests who sent us some of the photos you see below and specially to Marta from Poland and Steve from UK. They both did an excellent work.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

And the winner is...(Part 2)

This is Kelly who won the lottery for the summer 2008. She sent me a very nice email and she is very excited since it is the first time ever that she wins anything!!!
Congratulations again Kelly, we are looking forward to seeing you ...

Thursday, 1 November 2007

And the winner is.......

The lottery took place last night and Angelos, who chose the lucky envelope, is glad to announce that the winner is


winning a two weeks holiday for two persons in Angelos Village in May, June 1-15 or October 2008!!!!
Congratulations to the winner and many thanks to all our guests who participated on the lottery this summer!!!!!!